Comprehensive Technology Trends Reshaping Business Operations in 2024

As businesses navigate the dynamic landscape of 2024, the confluence of transformative technologies extends far beyond the well-established domains of AI, IoT, and blockchain. This exploration goes deeper, encompassing a myriad of trends that collectively reshape the very fabric of business operations. Beyond the familiar realms, we delve into additional areas such as edge computing, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), robotics and automation, biotechnology and genomics, cybersecurity beyond AI, and smart agriculture. Each of these trends contributes uniquely to the unfolding tapestry of the tech revolution.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a dynamic field within computer science, central to technological advancements and permeating various industries. It involves creating intelligent systems capable of human-like tasks, leveraging machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. Machine learning algorithms, driven by extensive datasets and advanced neural networks, play a pivotal role in enhancing decision-making processes and automating routine tasks. Noteworthy organizations, including Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, are making substantial investments, with billions allocated to AI research and development. The global AI market is expected to surpass $300 billion by 2027, underscoring the significant impact and growth potential of AI in shaping the technological landscape. While AI offers immense possibilities for innovation, ethical considerations remain crucial for its responsible and equitable development.

Sustainable Technology

Sustainable Technology Sustainable technology, a transformative approach to innovation, prioritizes environmental responsibility and resource efficiency to address global challenges. From renewable energy sources to circular design principles, sustainable technology spans various domains, including energy efficiency, circular economy practices, and eco-friendly materials. It plays a pivotal role in promoting clean energy, optimizing resource use in agriculture, and fostering green transportation. The circular economy model reduces waste through recycling and sustainable design principles. Beyond technological advancements, sustainable technology influences corporate practices, driving commitments to renewable energy and corporate sustainability. As a holistic and forward-thinking approach, sustainable technology emerges as a key player in creating a greener and more resilient future.

Prominent companies such as Tesla, Siemens, and Vestas are at the forefront of promoting a greener and more sustainable future through their investments in renewable energy, energy-efficient infrastructure, and circular economy practices. Their commitment to sustainability is driving the adoption of sustainable technology across industries, fostering a greener, more responsible business landscape.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0Web 3.0 represents a paradigm shift toward a decentralized internet framework, prioritizing enhanced user engagement and openness. At the core of this evolution decentralized applications, blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence, which will play a key role in creating a more open, secure, and intelligent web.

The global blockchain market is projected to reach a remarkable $69.04 billion by 2027, underlining the substantial growth and influence of this transformative technology in reshaping the landscape of the internet.

Some of the benefits of Web 3.0 include:

  • User empowerment: Users will have more control over their own data, identity, and digital assets, and will be able to interact with peer-to-peer networks without intermediaries.
  • Trust and transparency: Transactions and interactions will be verified and recorded on distributed ledgers, ensuring accountability and immutability.
  • Innovation and interoperability: New applications and services will emerge from the combination of different protocols, platforms, and data sources, enabling cross-chain and cross-domain communication and collaboration.

Quantum Computing

Quantum ComputingQuantum computing has transitioned from being a distant promise to a tangible reality that is revolutionizing data processing and encryption. Its ability to solve intricate problems at an exponential pace compared to classical computers has opened up new horizons. Renowned industry giants like IBM, Google, and Microsoft are making substantial investments in quantum computing research and development. According to projections, the global quantum computing market is expected to surpass $2.5 billion by 2026.

Some of the applications of quantum computing include:

  • Cryptography: Quantum computers can break some of the most widely used encryption schemes, such as RSA and ECC, by using algorithms like Shor’s and Grover’s. On the other hand, quantum computers can also enable new forms of secure communication, such as quantum key distribution and quantum digital signatures.
  • Artificial intelligence: Quantum computers can enhance the capabilities of machine learning and artificial neural networks, by using techniques like quantum annealing, quantum support vector machines, and quantum Boltzmann machines.
  • Simulation: Quantum computers can simulate complex physical systems, such as molecules, materials, and quantum fields, by using algorithms like quantum phase estimation, quantum variational eigensolver, and quantum Fourier transform.


MetaverseThe metaverse, a convergence of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), is pivotal for businesses exploring immersive digital experiences.

It represents a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and engage with digital spaces. The future of the metaverse holds boundless possibilities, from redefining work and economic structures to offering immersive and collaborative experiences. As technology continues to advance, the metaverse is poised to become an integral part of our daily lives, transcending the boundaries between the physical and digital realms.

Industry pioneers like Meta, NVIDIA, and Unity Technologies invest in metaverse development. The global metaverse market is estimated to reach $617.6 billion by 2027.

Super App Development

Super App DevelopmentSuper apps have revolutionized the way users interact with digital services by offering a comprehensive range of services within a single ecosystem. These apps are constantly evolving, incorporating more features and expanding their reach, thereby reshaping the digital landscape. By providing users with unmatched convenience and accessibility across various services, super apps have become a game-changer in the digital world. The success of these apps can be attributed not only to their technological advancements but also to their ability to adapt to the changing needs of users in an interconnected digital era.

Prominent companies such as Tencent, Grab, and Gojek have heavily invested in the development of super apps. Tencent’s WeChat, for instance, continues to enhance its offerings, delivering seamless and user-friendly experiences that prioritize convenience.

Digital Immune System

Digital Immune SystemThe importance of a robust digital immune system cannot be overstated as cyber threats continue to rise. AI-driven cybersecurity solutions have emerged as a key player in this field, with the ability to autonomously identify and address threats. Notable companies such as Darktrace, Palo Alto Networks, and CrowdStrike have recognized the significance of digital immune system technologies and have invested in them. It is projected that the global cybersecurity market will reach a staggering $352.25 billion by 2026.

To summarize, the Digital Immune System represents a revolutionary approach to cybersecurity, going beyond traditional defence mechanisms to establish a dynamic, adaptable, and self-governing security infrastructure. As organizations confront an ever-expanding range of cyber threats, the Digital Immune System serves as a formidable safeguard, providing real-time threat detection, proactive response capabilities, and the resilience necessary to combat the constantly evolving digital risks landscape.


AI TRiSMAI TRiSM (Trustworthy, Responsible, and Ethical AI; Transparent, Secure, and Mindful AI) represents the ethical evolution of artificial intelligence. As AI embeds further in business operations, ensuring trust, responsibility, transparency, and security becomes paramount.

Leading organizations like OpenAI, Microsoft, and IBM actively invest in AI TRiSM initiatives.

This approach emphasizes the following key principles:

  1. Trustworthiness: Ensure AI systems are reliable, transparent, and consistently perform in diverse scenarios to foster user trust.
  2. Responsibility: Commit to the responsible development of AI, considering broader societal impacts, minimizing negative consequences, and respecting privacy.
  3. Ethical Considerations: Embed ethical considerations into AI development, addressing issues related to fairness, accountability, and transparency to avoid harm and promote societal equity.
  4. Transparency: Make AI decision-making processes understandable and interpretable, empowering users and addressing biases or errors.
  5. Security: Prioritize the security of AI systems against external threats, safeguarding sensitive data through robust cybersecurity measures and encryption protocols.
  6. Mindful AI: Adopt a mindful approach, staying aware of societal impacts, continuously monitoring AI system performance, and remaining attuned to evolving ethical standards.
  7. Legal Compliance: Align AI development with existing and emerging legal and regulatory frameworks, ensuring compliance with data protection, privacy, and ethical AI practices.

Edge Computing

Edge ComputingEdge computing is a revolutionary approach that enables data processing to occur near its source, resulting in minimized latency. This paradigm shift not only enhances real-time processing capabilities but also improves efficiency and security.

With the exponential growth of connected devices, edge computing is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of data processing and application development.

Prominent industry players such as HPE and Microsoft are actively investing in edge computing solutions, further solidifying its significance. In fact, the global edge computing market is anticipated to reach a staggering $15.7 billion by 2027, highlighting the immense potential and demand for this cutting-edge technology.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)AR and VR technologies are revolutionizing the manner in which we engage with the digital and physical realms. These transformative technologies surpass conventional screens, providing captivating experiences that seamlessly merge the virtual and real worlds. With their distinct capabilities, AR and VR have found utility in various sectors, including entertainment, gaming, healthcare, education, and enterprise.

These technologies have the power to reshape customer interactions and redefine business engagement. Leading the charge in this field are industry giants like Apple and Facebook Reality Labs. It is projected that the global AR and VR market will surpass a staggering $200 billion by the year 2024.

Robotics and Automation

Robotics and AutomationRobotics and automation represent a transformative field that integrates intelligent machines and technologies to perform tasks traditionally carried out by humans. Robotics involves the design, creation, and operation of robots, while automation refers to the use of technology to control and execute processes without human intervention.

These technologies aim to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and productivity across various industries. Robotics and automation find applications in manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, and beyond.

While contributing to increased efficiency and precision, the widespread adoption of robotics and automation also raises considerations regarding the impact on employment, ethical considerations, and the need for responsible implementation to ensure the positive integration of these technologies into society. The global industrial robotics market is expected to reach $75.84 billion by 2027.

Biotechnology and Genomics:

Biotechnology and GenomicsBiotechnology harnesses the power of living organisms to drive innovation, making significant impacts in the fields of medicine, agriculture, and industry. In the realm of medicine, it plays a crucial role in the development of personalized therapies and cutting-edge gene editing technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9. Agricultural biotechnology, on the other hand, enhances crop traits through genetic modification, while industrial and environmental applications involve biofuel production and bioremediation.

The study of an organism’s genes, known as genomics, has undergone a remarkable transformation with the advent of DNA sequencing. This breakthrough has provided valuable insights into human health, exemplified by projects like the Human Genome Project. Functional genomics delves into the functions of genes using tools like CRISPR-Cas9, while comparative genomics explores the genetic relationships between different species.

The convergence of biotechnology and genomics has given rise to precision medicine, which tailors treatments to an individual’s unique genetic makeup. Additionally, synthetic biology has paved the way for the creation of novel biological systems, while the utilization of big data analytics and artificial intelligence aids in managing the vast amount of genomic information available.

However, it is important to address ethical considerations that arise alongside these advancements. Privacy and responsible use of genetic data must be carefully considered and safeguarded. Together, the fields of biotechnology and genomics hold immense promise for addressing global challenges and improving the quality of life.

According to predictions, the global genomics market is expected to exceed $35 billion by the year 2025.

Cybersecurity Beyond AI

Cybersecurity Beyond AIThe importance of zero-trust architecture, secure access service edge (SASE), and quantum-safe cryptography cannot be underestimated. To effectively safeguard against cyber threats, organizations must adopt a comprehensive defense strategy that encompasses various elements. This includes fostering individual awareness, implementing the Zero Trust security model, implementing robust endpoint security measures, and integrating cloud security protocols.

Furthermore, compliance with regulations, meticulous incident response planning, and securing the supply chain all contribute to a robust defense framework. Looking ahead, the emergence of quantum computing necessitates the exploration of quantum-safe cryptography.

By embracing this holistic approach, organizations can navigate the ever-changing cyber threat landscape with resilience and adaptability.

Smart Agriculture

Smart AgricultureSmart Agriculture, also referred to as precision agriculture, integrates advanced technologies into conventional farming methods to optimize efficiency, improve productivity, and promote sustainability. By utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) devices, precision farming techniques, remote sensing, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, farmers are empowered to make well-informed, data-driven decisions regarding crop management, resource allocation, and environmental impact.

Automation and robotics streamline labor-intensive tasks, while farm management software consolidates data for comprehensive insights. Smart Agriculture not only tackles global challenges such as food security and resource efficiency, but also fosters rural development by providing connectivity, economic opportunities, and a pathway to sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices. This transformative approach signifies a shift towards a more resilient, efficient, and interconnected agricultural future.

The global smart agriculture market is anticipated to reach $15.3 billion by 2025.


The year 2024 marks a crucial turning point for businesses as they find themselves on the cusp of a revolutionary era, where they must navigate through a future moulded by a convergence of technological advancements. Moving forward requires more than just embracing these innovations; it demands a comprehensive and conscientious approach.

The far-reaching effects of these technologies, ranging from sustainable practices and decentralized web structures to quantum computing, immersive digital experiences, all-inclusive super apps, resilient digital immune systems, and ethically guided AI, among other trends, will undeniably reshape the business landscape.

🎄 Warmest Wishes from Development Standards Technologies! 🌟

Dear Valued Clients, Partners, and Friends,

As the holiday season wraps us in its festive glow, Development Standards Technologies extends heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and collaboration throughout the year.

🎁 This Christmas, we reflect on the joyous moments and shared successes that have defined our journey together. Your trust and commitment have been the cornerstone of our growth, and for that, we are truly thankful.

🌟 May this season of giving bring you and your loved ones moments of love, laughter, and profound joy. In the spirit of unity and goodwill, let’s cherish the connections that make our endeavours meaningful.

🎅 As we look ahead to the coming year, we are excited about the opportunities to innovate, collaborate, and achieve new milestones together. Your partnership is the greatest gift, and we are eager to continue our shared success in the coming year.

🔔 From all of us at Development Standards Technologies, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with prosperity, happiness, and the fulfilment of your aspirations.

Chinese hacking group has found new way to bypass two-factor authentication

A group with alleged links to the Chinese government has been accused of hacking networks worldwide, but in a rare twist, it’s said to be bypassing two-factor authentication in the process.

The hack was detailed late last week by security researchers from Fox-IT Holding B.V. APT20, the group behind the campaign, targets web servers as the first point of entry with a particular focus on Jboss.

Once through the door, the group installs web shells then spreads throughout the network. Showing fairly typical behavior, the group seeks out passwords and administrator accounts to obtain more information from their targets utilizing virtual network credentials for more secure access.

Where it gets interesting is that the researchers claim they found evidence that APT20 was gaining access to VPN accounts that were protected by 2FA. Hacking 2FA isn’t new, and the process involved is somewhat complicated, but APT20 is said to have found a new way to bypass the process.

The hackers are believed to have stolen an RSA SecurID software token from a hacked system, then modified the key to work on different systems.

“The software token is generated for a specific system, but of course this system-specific value could easily be retrieved by the actor when having access to the system of the victim,” the security researchers explained. “As it turns out, the actor does not actually need to go through the trouble of obtaining the victim’s system-specific value, because this specific value is only checked when importing the SecurID Token Seed, and has no relation to the seed used to generate actual 2-factor tokens. This means the actor can actually simply patch the check which verifies if the imported soft token was generated for this system, and does not need to bother with stealing the system-specific value at all.”

While specifically applying to software-based tokens, the method is disturbing particularly given that 2FA is regularly held up as a way to prevent hacking such as this.

A full copy of the research into the group can be found here.

Nigerian citizen to stand trial in Memphis for cyber crimes

A Nigerian citizen living in Accra, Ghana, has been extradited to Memphis to stand trial for an indictment charging him with cyber crimes and identity theft.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, a federal grand jury in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee indicted 64-year-old Babatunde Martins with wire fraud, aggravated identity theft, and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Martins was also charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit computer fraud.

The indictment alleges that Martins, along with other Africa-based co-conspirators, hacked into the servers and email systems of a Memphis-based real estate company in June and July of 2016. Martins and his co-conspirators allegedly sent fake emails to “relevant business parties,” and redirected money to final destinations in Africa.

The indictment was handed down on August 23, 2017, but Martins did not make his initial appearance in a West Tennessee court until Monday, December 9, 2019.

The Department of Justice says that Martins is also charged with perpetrating romance scams, fake check scams, gold-buying scams, advance-fee scams, and credit card scams. The indictment alleges that proceeds from these scams were transferred from the U.S. to locations in Africa.

Five other people have pleaded guilty to being involved in the scheme. Olufalojimi Abegunde, 33, and Javier Luis Ramos-Alonso, 30, were convicted in March after a week-long trial in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee. Abegunde received a 78-month sentence, and Ramos-Alonso received a 31-month sentence for their roles in the scheme.

The Department of Justice says that several others are still at large.

Bitcoin ransomware locks 10 years’ worth of government data in Argentina

Bitcoin-hungry hackers have attacked a data center in Argentina which houses local government files.

According to Alicia Bañuelos, the country’s Minister of Science and Technology, the attack took place on November 25.

In an interview with Agencia de Noticia de San Luis — a local government digital news outlet — on December 2, Bañuelos said the center had already recovered 90 percent of the encrypted data. Some 7,700 GB — approximately 10 years worth data — was originally compromised as a result of the attack.

“Decrypting the files will take at least 15 days, mostly due to the sheer size of the archive,” Bañuelos added during the interview.

The size of the Bitcoin ransom is unknown, but reports suggest attackers asked for somewhere in between approximately $37,000 and $370,000 (0.5 and 50 BTC) in exchange for decrypting the files.

Just last week, Hard Fork reported on how a major US data center had been hit by Sodinokibi, a prominent strand of ransomware which several months ago earned a hacker $287,000 worth of Bitcoin in just three days.

Governments have proved to be popular targets. A group of cybercriminals calling themselves the “Shadow Kill Hackers” attacked the City of Johannesburg (South Africa) administration website in late October and threatened to upload the stolen data on the internet unless they received a $300,000 (4 BTC) Bitcoin ransom.

Hackers are also targeting private companies, including Spanish multinational security firm Prosegur, which was hit by Ryuk ransomware under two weeks ago.


Apple Warns iPhone Users Not To Answer Apple Support Calls

iPhone users have been warned not to answer calls from Apple unless they have specifically requested one using the official Apple online support page. This comes off the back of a rash of spoofed support calls that have become increasingly sophisticated in their efforts to get access to Apple iCloud accounts. How sophisticated? How does displaying the Apple logo, address and correct support telephone number grab you? Here’s what you need to know.

The scam

The telephone calls are straightforward phishing, the same as you will have seen countless times in your email no doubt. They have more success because most people still aren’t expecting voice to be used in such social engineering scams. The scammers employ caller-ID spoofing techniques so as to impersonate the real telephone number of the service they claim to be representing. Most commonly as far as this particular threat is concerned that will be Apple support, although I have been told by those on the receiving end of such calls that AppleCare and Apple customer service have also been used in an attempt to gain the trust of the victim.

By spoofing that number and displaying the Apple logo, the fraudsters hope that the person answering the call will be less suspicious than if they were taking an unsolicited call from a number they didn’t recognize. This kind of brand recognition leverage is high on the phishing 101 list of ways to garner victim trust. It’s why telephone scams supposedly from Microsoft support, which don’t have the same trust-enhancing methodologies, tend to be less successful. As the fact-checking site Snopes confirms, “if the recipient is an iPhone user who then requests a call back from Apple’s legitimate customer support web page, the fake call gets indexed in the iPhone’s recent calls list as a previous call from the legitimate Apple Support line.”

The bait will vary but is always going to be a variation on the theme of your account has been compromised, there’s been a data breach or there has been suspicious activity in your iCloud account. The latest bunch of these calls have been automated with a message informing the user to call a number that purports to be Apple support, complete with estimated waiting times and convincing welcome messages and call purpose options. Sometimes the user will be asked to “press 1” to connect to a support advisor. In all cases, the danger to your data story will be spun out and you will be asked to confirm your iCloud account credentials.

What Apple says

The Apple support presence on Twitter is, unsurprisingly, getting regular tweets from concerned iPhone users who have received such a call and want to know if it is genuine and their accounts have been compromised. The response is most always the same: “Your security is our number one priority. You can find more information about phony calls and learn how you can report them by following the steps from this article here.”

If you follow that link it will take you to a support post entitled “Avoid phishing emails, fake ‘virus’ alerts, phony support calls, and other scams” which has a section covering suspicious telephone calls. Apple says that users should always verify a caller’s identity before providing any personal information. However, while that advice might seem logical it is often harder in practice than it sounds. As I’ve already pointed out, the scammers are getting increasingly sophisticated in their methods of convincing potential victims that they are genuine. Caller-ID spoofing makes it ever harder to separate fiction from reality. I think Apple could easily delete most of the advice it gives in this section and just leave the final line: “If you get an unsolicited call from someone claiming to be from Apple, hang up and contact us directly.”

Apple will never ask you for your Apple ID password, iCloud credentials or verification codes in order to provide you with support. Simple as. Never. And talking of verification codes, Apple also advises iPhone users to activate two-factor authentication as an additional layer of security to protect your account.

Programmer finds ridiculous ATM loophole that let him withdraw ₦377 million in cash

It sounds like something straight out of a movie: an unsatisfied bank programmer discovers the perfect scheme for making an ATM spit out free money.

But apparently, this story is true: The South China Morning Postand China’s Daily Economic News report that 43-year-old Qin Qisheng managed to withdraw over 7 million yuan (upwards of ₦377 million) from ATMs operated by his employer, Huaxia Bank — all by exploiting a crazy loophole.

According to the reports, the bank’s system didn’t properly record withdrawals made around midnight — effectively spitting out cash without removing the total from a user’s account. Normally, that might send up a red flag that a transaction had failed, but Qisheng allegedly inserted scripts into the system that suppressed those alerts.

Qisheng started pulling out money in November 2016, but it wasn’t until January 2018, some 1,358 withdrawals later, that the bank discovered the bad code in its system and brought him to the authorities.

Perhaps the most surprising part of this story: the bank didn’t want to keep pressing charges once he’d returned the money. Maybe fearing the bad publicity (apparently the loophole has already been fixed), Huaxia Bank reportedly asked police to drop the case — reportedly accepting Qisheng’s explanation that he was merely testing the bank’s security and was holding onto the money for the bank to reclaim. As one does.

The courts refused, though, and Qisheng is now looking at 10 and a half years in prison after losing his appeal. They didn’t buy the argument, considering that he’d moved the money to his personal bank account, instead of the bank’s dummy account, and had apparently been investing some in the stock market, too.

The Verge

Potential global cyber attack could cause $85 billion-$193 billion worth of damage: report

A co-ordinated global cyber attack, spread through malicious email, could cause economic damages anywhere between $85 billion (₦30,794,650,000,000) and $193 billion (₦69,921,970,000,000), a hypothetical scenario developed as a stress test for risk management showed.

Insurance claims after such an attack would range from business interruption and cyber extortion to incident response costs, the report jointly produced by insurance market Lloyd’s of London and Aon said on Tuesday.

Total claims paid by the insurance sector in this scenario is estimated to be between $10 billion and $27 billion, based on policy limits ranging from $500,000 to $200 million.

The stark difference between insured and economic loss estimates highlights the extent of underinsurance, in case of such an attack, the stress test showed. An attack could affect several sectors globally, with the largest losses in retail, healthcare, manufacturing and banking fields.

Regional economies that are more service dominated, especially the United States and Europe, would suffer more and are vulnerable to higher direct losses, the report said.

Cyber attacks have been in focus after a virus spread from Ukraine to wreak havoc around the globe in 2017, crippling thousands of computers, disrupting ports from Mumbai to Los Angeles and even halting production at a chocolate factory in Australia.

Governments are increasingly warning against the risks private businesses face from such attacks, both those carried out by foreign governments and financially motivated criminals.

For example, Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre announced on Friday it was investigating a large-scale Domain Name System (DNS) hijacking campaign that hit governments and commercial organizations across the world.

In another recent incident, French engineering consultancy Altran Technologies was the target of a cyber attack that hit its operations in some European countries.

On a larger scale, personal data and documents from hundreds of German politicians and public figures, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, were published online in what appears to be one of Germany’s most far-reaching data breaches.

The report was also co-produced by MSIG, SCOR TransRe and Cyber Risk Management (CyRiM).


WhatsApp Is Merging With Facebook Messenger

WhatsApp and Instagram are to be integrated with Facebook Messenger, it has been revealed. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg apparently wants to combine the services under a single underlying messaging platform or protocol.

The idea is to allow users to communicate across the three services more easily, with the project set to complete by the end of this year or early next, according to The New York Times.

According to reports, the new unified backend will support the end-to-end encryption needed to stop messages being viewed by third parties. In theory, this means all three platforms should be more secure, but in reality, there are doubts.

For this reason, the news has not been well received by many users. People are already leaving Facebook in droves and with good reason: The social networking giant has been hacked and suffered data leaks several times over the last year. As part of this, the messaging app was possibly affected seeing users’ private conversations exposed to hackers.

This, of course, is in addition to the ongoing Cambridge Analytica scandal which saw Facebook abusing its user data with results that could have influenced elections.

The exact logistics of what is going to happen once the three services are combined are not yet clear. But you can bet your life that data will be at the heart of this integration. There are even suggestions that if pressured, Facebook could build a handy back door allowing law enforcement to spy on WhatApp users when needed.


China creates app to tell you if you are near someone in debt and encourages you to report them

The Chinese Government has developed a mobile app that tells users if they are near someone who is in debt. The app, called a “map of deadbeat debtors,” flashes when the user is within 500 meters of a debtor and displays that person’s exact location.

News of the app has caused quite a bit of controversy after it was originally reported by the state-run China Daily. It is an extension to China’s existing “social credit” system which scores people based on how they act in public. It’s no secret that China keeps a very close watch on its citizens, but this new public shaming approach takes it one step further.

The app is available through the WeChat platform which has become immensely popular in China. The government stated that “Deadbeat debtors in North China’s Hebei province will find it more difficult to abscond as the Higher People’s Court of Hebei on Monday introduced” the app.

Once a user is alerted that they are close to a debtor, the user can then view their personal information. This will reveal their name, national ID number, and why they were added to the debtor list. The debtor can then be publicly shamed or reported to the authorities if it is deemed that they are capable of repaying their debts.

The full social credit system will be operational in 2020 when plans indicate will be used to bar people with low scores from traveling, getting loans, and getting jobs. A person’s score can be lowered if they do things like playing an excessive amount of video games or posting fake news. On the other hand, a social credit score can be raised by things like volunteering or donating blood.
